Pastor reveals how he used to lie to people to raise money for God’s work because he was competing with ”demonic prophet”

A Nigerian pastor of the Churchless Revival, Iyke Oriaku, has revealed how he used to lie to people to raise money to do God’s work because he was competing with demonic prophets.

According to him, he was a victim of “pulpit pressure”


I would get the money…
And won’t even buy handkerchief for myself …

I would still use every penny to do God’s work..

Souls would be saved…
Hearts would be set on fire…

But it’s only me that knew that I lied to raise money to carry out those missionary activities …

Thank God I didn’t die those days…

If not, I would have been known in hell as one of those preachers that allowed pressures to drive them in ministry…

Today, to the glory of God, we have grown pass that stage when we want to do programs just to prove a point…

Now that there are no more pressures, we have seen the difference…

God is doing things by Himself…

Raising people by Himself according to His Pace…

To the glory of God, the hall for the program we are having in Asaba this weekend has been paid for since 3months ago by some people over there whose hearts God has touched …

We didn’t even call them on phone…

In fact they are the ones begging us to choose date…

Calls are coming from many parts …

Remnants who are ready to fix the bills of our meetings in any part of the world…

Still to God’s glory alone, today, if God leads us to any city or village today for a revival cry, there are remnants already there who are ready to partner with us to fix bills…

Yet, when I was using my own power, sometimes, I used to lie to people to raise money to do God’s work…

Friends, my greatest regrets in ministry are the days I was doing ministry to make some people somewhere see the I am doing something great ….

I hate to remember when I bragged with the profile of the contacts I have…

Since I handed every single ministerial issue over to God I have seen the difference…

Since God saw that I value Him more than any man alive anywhere in the world, He came in …

Peace has set in…
Anxiety has gone…

Yes, we have not arrived…
We have not even started…

But we have seen every reason to regret the days we used our strength to do this work…

Because there is no end to the calamity the flesh brings…

If there is any man that should teach you how not to fail it is a man that has failed severally…

Forget these smiles on our faces on facebook…

Some of us have putrefying wounds from the injuries we have given ourselves somewhere on this journey…

Unfortunately, we cannot undo the shits of yesterdays, but we can only position for God to do something for Himself through us, to the shame of Satan…

Man of God, you are not under any pressure…

Stop competiting with demonic prophets…

Can you do what they are doing with mami water every night?…

Can you turn to dogs and be eating excreta?..

Can you be turning to snakes and be attending meetings in high seas?…

You must not host programs…

Nobody will beat you if you don’t have cars…

Manage that rented hall till God choose to give you your own place…

Avoid friends who are always coming to tell you how many cars other ministers have…

They are feeding that demon called mammon in you…

I was a victim of pulpit pressures…

I tried to use my power to see the mandate on my life succeed…

But since I reliqushed power, and handed everything over to God, I am seeing sweatless triumphs…

Most of the things God told me He will do through me have started manifesting sweatlessly …

Things I was looking for are now looking for me…

Once again, we have not arrived…

But if you know where we are coming from, you will understand why we are grateful for the little He is doing through us today…

I don’t want to be one of those preachers that will pull people out from hell and still take their place in hell…

Lord, would you not help this ‘weak’ man, Iyke Oriaku? …

You know that I have not started off well on this journey…

But I know that if You can still be holding me up til now, certainly, Satan will still have a lot of things to pay for in the days ahead …

Friends, can I beg you something?…

If you see any young man that is not using juju to do ministry, if you can, please, sow into his ministry…

There is a voice God wants to raise through him that Satan wants to stop by all means …

Paying for his crusade handbills can encourage him a lot…

I have made up my mind that no genuine man of God will meet me and still see any reason to bow to Baal…

No young minister around me will make the mistakes I made in this work…

I want to beg that young man planning to join those who are using satanic powers to do ministry…

Don’t bother…

Cancel that demonic trip…

Forget your past shits…

The future is calling your name…

You can even uproot that charm you buried in that altar…

There is peace when God is the one helping you more than when you are the one helping yourself…

Satan is on earth today with great wrath, to.make sure he separates us from God…

He wants us to share the same eternal destiny with him..

How can you run to your eternal enemy to help you in ministry?…

I Know we have bills to pay…

I know…

But it’s better we go to.jail for the debts we owe than to see ourselves sleeping with mad ladies just to control powers to grow our ministries…

If it looks like I am talking to you, please, bow your head…

And… Let us pray!…


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