Advice To Women Seriously In Search Of Husband By Sonia Ogbonna

Sonia Ogbonna gave ladies who seriously apply much effort simply because they are in need of husband an advice on her Instagram page.

Below was what she wrote:

“The biggest mistake a woman can do is dedicating her entire existence into “finding a husband”. My sister,if your every outing is about desperate “husband hunting” – you need to stop. Redirect ALL THAT energy into working on yourself instead,challenge your capacities,extend your ambitions,work on achieving your goals – invest into becoming the best possible version of yourself ,into becoming a FULFILLED woman who is proud of herself. In love with herself. Find yourself first. And then HE will find YOU.. As A QUEEN ??that you are! I promise you. It’s on him to recognize his own rib that is missing after all,? #soniaOgbonna”


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