Quoted firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) have been mandated to submit audited report and accounts for previous year to the regulators and the investing public within 19 working days.
As part of Post-listing rules which mandates quoted companies to tender their earnings reports, not later than three months after the expiration of the business period.
[quote_box_left]The NSE’s regulatory filing calendar indicates that the deadline for submission of annual report for companies with Gregorian calendar business year is Thursday, March 31, 2016.[/quote_box_left]
[pull_quote_right]Most quoted companies, including banks, major manufacturers, oil and gas companies, breweries and cement companies use the 12-month Gregorian calendar year as their business year, which terminates on December 31.[/pull_quote_right]
The early filers included Forte Oil, Nigerian Breweries, Dangote Cement and Africa Prudential Registrars (APR). Reports over the weekend show that not more than 5 quoted firms have so far submitted their annual reports and accounts, making it less than six per cent of the companies that are required to submit their results under the Gregorian calendar year.